Nigerian Footballers Abroad

Nigerian footballer Ideba James Elemike reflects on memorable encounter with Egypt star Mohamed Elneny

Nigerian footballer Ideba James Elemike recently had the chance to play against one of his football idols, Mohamed Elneny, during a UAE league match between his club, Dibba Al Hisn, and Elneny’s Al Jazira.

Despite his team suffering a 1-6 defeat, with Elneny scoring one of the goals, Ideba’s highlight of the day was his encounter with the former Arsenal and Egypt national team star.

Taking to social media after the match, Ideba expressed his admiration for Elneny, calling him a mentor and praising the midfielder’s humility. “Today, I was privileged to play against one of Arsenal’s top players and a mentor in the midfield, Mohamed Elneny. Top quality and very humble,” Ideba wrote. He shared his excitement about exchanging jerseys with the vastly experienced star, noting that Elneny gladly accepted his request for a jersey swap, saying, “I asked for his jersey and asked if he needed mine, and he said, ‘Yes, why not.’”

deba James Elemike recently had the chance to play against one of his football idols, Mohamed Elneny, during a UAE league match between his club
El Neny gifted Nigerian footballer Ideba Elemike his jersey after the UAE top flight clash.

Ideba Elemike, who once played for FC ONE Rocket in Nigeria’s National League, is now continuing his football journey in the UAE. Though the result was disappointing for Dibba Al Hisn, Ideba cherished the personal milestone of facing a player of Elneny’s stature, describing it as just the beginning of his journey.

The match may have ended in a loss for Ideba’s team, but the young Nigerian midfielder walked away with a moment he will never forget.

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