9ja FlavourNigeria Professional Football League

‘Nobody is safe from 11th position downward’- Niger Tornadoes coach acknowledges keen NPFL final day relegation battle

Niger Tornadoes’ head coach Majin Mohammed has expressed concern about the team’s relegation battle following a narrow 1-0 defeat to Heartland FC.

The defeat at the Dan Anyiam Stadium ended Tornadoes’ five-game unbeaten streak. Chukwudi Esobe’s header in the 18th minute was the game’s only goal, as Heartland’s defense and goalkeeper Chisom Chiaha kept Tornadoes from equalizing.

Despite making strategic substitutions in the second half, Tornadoes couldn’t break through Heartland’s defense. Mohammed highlighted the team’s missed opportunities in the first half, stating, “We had our chances but we couldn’t convert them and then they had only one chance and converted it.”

He emphasized the precarious position of the team, saying, “We are not safe yet. Nobody is safe yet from 11th downward. We will go back home and see what we can do in the last game. It’s a must-win match for us. We must get those three points.”

The result means Niger Tornadoes must win their final game of the season against Sunshine Stars next weekend in Kaduna to secure their place in the league.

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