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The Contemporary Ways Athletes Recover From Injury

In the world of sports, you can bet your money on the fact that any athlete will sustain a major injury at some point. It’s a natural part of the sports career trajectory. But now, recovering from an injury is a time-sensitive issue, that every athlete, regardless of their prominence in the industry, needs to recover quickly. With this in mind, are there any great ways that athletes recover from their injuries?


As one of the time-honored traditions of getting back to full strength, physiotherapy is one of the main components that can help an athlete rehabilitate effectively. Physiotherapy can be a long-winded process, which proves frustrating for average athletes, but in terms of mobility, depending on the sport, physiotherapy is arguably the key component to aid full recovery.

Resistance Band Training

Pliability is one of the keywords in building and maintaining muscle now. The American football star Tom Brady has concocted a random set of instructions, diet, and exercise, to live by. And as Tom Brady is beyond retirement age for the sport, there seems to be a lot of logic in what he is proposing. One of the main components he touts is pliability, rather than hypertrophy. He is a keen proponent of resistance bands. And as there are many people out there now going for resistance bands training rather than lifting weights, they experience much-reduced levels of muscle soreness, giving them that ability to build strength naturally, while also reducing their recovery periods. Arguably, this resistance band training has seen a significant resurgence, as workout programs associated with products like the X3 bar have necessitated a major need for resistance bands training. It’s not for rehabilitation anymore, and you can gain strength from it!

Micronutrient Supplementation

For those athletes that are continually beating their bodies up, recovery needs to be continuously done. Diet is one of those key ways to recover, but specifically, micronutrient supplementation, such as electrolytes like magnesium and potassium, helps to improve performance over time, as well as prevent illness. There are various micronutrient supplementations packs out there that can aid optimal recovery. But as well as this, you can easily find the right balance of electrolytes for your body by taking the right supplements and eating the correct portions.


The old-fashioned ice bath has had an update! Cryotherapy is one of the great modern methods being touted by footballers and rugby players alike! Due to the amount of wear and tear their bodies go under, cryotherapy provides deep tissue healing, but without the unpleasantness associated with taking an ice bath! In fact, cryotherapy can take your body down to temperatures much lower than any ice bath would! With this, athletes are recovering quicker, and aren’t feeling the physical strain. As such, due to the speedy recovery, athletes feel able to continue their training without feeling the long-term impacts. And in fact, many athletes can go longer in their career thanks to this. Check out the video at the end of this article for more information.

Recovering from injuries priority for any athlete, and as there are so many different methods to do it, it’s finding the right one for the individual. But as we are at a crossroads in terms of exercise and optimal recovery combined with the science providing much better guidance.

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