9ja FlavourNEWSNigeria Football

‘We are not owing national team bonuses’ – NFF

The Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) has released a statement to state that the Federation is not owing bonuses to any of the national teams..

The NFF issued a press release that the Presidency had last year, released monies for payment of outstanding bonuses and allowances of players and officials of the various national teams.

The NFF frowned at a publication on Monday which claimed national teams were owed bonuses, that report according to a senior administrative official of the Super Eagles is a “tissue of lies”. He challenged the writer to come forward with evidence of his claims.

“The report is absolutely false, in every ramification, and we challenge the owner of the website and writer to come forward with proof of the claims. We want him to name the players who spoke to him, because these are all tissues of lies.

The official added ” Players and officials of the Super Eagles have been paid for all matches played at the AFCON, yet he claimed the team was paid for only three matches. His outlandish claim of the team being owed for 25 matches is the biggest lie ever concocted by any writer.

He added ” The writer also falsely claimed that only members of the NFF Board and staff of the Secretariat have been paid their outstanding allowances from the government money.

“This story is a shame. No player of the Super Eagles spoke to the writer. It is all pure fabrication,” a senior player told thenff.com.

Another senior official of the Super Eagles added: “The story is absolute bunkum. People should make an effort to verify whatever they hear from anywhere before going to the press. It is clear that this writer did not even hear anything; he simply brought forth something from his own imagination

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