La LigaTransfer

Real Madrid ask journalist not to reveal Gareth Bale’s transfer fee to keep Cristiano Ronaldo happy


Sunday Times football correspondent Jonathan Northcroft explained to BBC Radio 5 that Madrid asked his newspaper not to print Bale’s price so as not to antagonise Cristiano.

Bale replaced the Portuguese star as the world’s most expensive player when Madrid purchased him for £85million (100m euros).

Northcroft said: “Real Madrid are a club so worried about image that when I interviewed Bale it was requested to me, ‘don’t put in the transfer fee, don’t put in the article how much Gareth Bale cost’.

“The reason for that is because it was a world-record transfer fee but Cristiano Ronaldo doesn’t like to see that someone else cost more than him.”

Gareth Bale is presently unhappy at Madrid and seriously considering his Madrid’s future following the sack of Rafael Benitez according to reports.

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