
Messi reveals reason why he walks on pitch during matches

Inter Miami superstar Lionel Messi has shed light on his distinctive playing style, particularly his tendency to walk around the pitch during matches.
Known for his seemingly leisurely approach, Messi often ambles around the field, a behavior that has sparked much curiosity.

The eight-time Ballon d’Or winner explained that this habit dates back to his early days at Newell’s Old Boys, where he would often shirk running drills.

“When I was at Newell’s, there were two or three times a week we were sent to run around the grounds. I used to hide behind a tree. Running without a ball was never my thing,” Messi revealed.

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Messi elaborated that his walking is far from aimless. It is a deliberate tactic to analyze the game, understand the opponent’s positioning, and plan his next move.

“I have always been very self-critical. I am the first to know what I do right and what I do wrong. When I walk, I analyse the opponent’s positioning, how we stand when we don’t have the ball, get away from the marker and be able to initiate a counterattack,” he told Clank Media.

Despite the rise of data analytics in sports, Messi remains indifferent to GPS and statistics. “I don’t pay much attention to GPS, statistics or data. I never cared how much I ran in a match,” he added.

His approach continues to serve him well, allowing him to remain one of the most effective and unpredictable players in the game.

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