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‘I am not safe’ – Rivers United player accuses club management of intimidation

Rivers United forward, Deputy Echeta says he no longer feels safe at the club and has publicly voiced his grievances over a series of alleged unjust treatments by the management

Echeta claims his troubles began months ago during a match against Abia Warriors in Umuahia. He alleges that the club’s secretary, Ahmed Abdulrahman, assaulted him, accusing him of not putting in his best performance. “I was unjustly accused and physically assaulted by the secretary during the game,” Echeta stated.

In response, Rivers United has categorically denied the assault allegations, instead accusing Echeta of entertaining an offer from a Tunisian club—a claim which Echeta has denied.

Deputy Echeta
Deputy Echeta

Sources close to the player have revealed that Echeta’s situation worsened after he requested his unpaid salary, leading to his suspension by the club. “I simply asked for what was owed to me, and the next thing I knew, I was suspended,” Echeta disclosed.

The player has since sought to have his contract terminated by mutual consent, but Rivers United has allegedly refused, leaving him in a difficult position. “I just want to move on, but the club won’t let me,” Echeta said.

Adding to his woes, Echeta claims the Nigerian Police Force has summoned him for questioning, making him feel victimized and intimidated. “The police involvement has left me feeling targeted and unsafe,” he explained.

Echeta has reportedly been forced to leave the club’s camp in search of a safer environment to continue his career. “I had no choice but to leave the camp. I need a safe place to focus on my career,” Echeta lamented.

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