9ja FlavourNigeria Professional Football League

Rivers United lose long-serving player who has already said goodbye

Kazie Enyinnaya has announced his departure from Rivers United following the conclusion of the 2023/2024 Nigeria Premier Football League season.

Kazie, who joined Rivers United four years ago, was part of the squad that won the league title three years ago. He made the announcement on Thursday afternoon, expressing gratitude to the fans, supporters, players, coaches, and management of the club.

“Today, I say a big THANK YOU to the fans, supporters, players, coaches, and management of Rivers United Football Club for an amazing four years of great accomplishments,” Kazie stated. “Together we won one league trophy, reached the CAF Confederation Cup quarter-finals twice, and I earned a national team appearance under the colors of Rivers United.”

He highlighted the honor and pride of representing Rivers United, acknowledging both the good and bad times shared with the club. “Saying goodbye to a club that has given me such a platform to excel is the hardest thing right now, though we have shared both good and bad times, today I take nothing but good memories away after the expiration of my contract with the team.”

Kazie also promised to announce his next destination soon and wished Rivers United continued success in the future. “RUFC will always be the pioneer of my success story going forward, even as I bid farewell to the Pride of Rivers. I wish RUFC more achievements in the nearest future,” he concluded.

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