Off the Pitch

Samuel Eto’o faces fresh allegations as FECAFOOT President

Cameroon football legend Samuel Eto’o, currently serving as the president of the Cameroonian Football Federation (Fecafoot), faces significant controversy and legal challenges.

The Association of Amateur Football Clubs of Cameroon (ACFAC) has called for Eto’o to be banned for life from all football-related activities, alleging that he is ineligible to hold the presidency.

The ACFAC claims that Eto’o no longer holds Cameroonian nationality since 2007, citing Article 31, paragraph (a) of law N•68-LF-3 of June 11, which states that an adult Cameroonian who voluntarily acquires or retains a foreign nationality loses their Cameroonian nationality. The ACFAC asserts that Eto’o acquired Spanish nationality on July 1, 2007, and formally renounced his Cameroonian nationality, yet continued to represent Cameroon in international football until 2014.

Given these allegations, the ACFAC has demanded Eto’o’s suspension from his duties as Fecafoot president while an investigation is conducted. They argue that if their claims are confirmed, Eto’o should face:

  • A lifetime ban from any football-related activities.
  • Repayment of all benefits received from Fecafoot since his election in December 2021.
  • A payment of 20 billion CFA francs in damages and interests.

The Federation’s ethics commission is expected to investigate these serious allegations and determine Eto’o’s future in Cameroonian football governance. The outcome of this investigation could have significant implications for Eto’o’s career and the administration of football in Cameroon.

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